Rather than selling your entire business and exiting completely, moving into a role of absentee owner might be the right decision.
With this option, you effectively promote or hire someone into your existing business and provide them the role of President, CEO or Managing Director. They are responsible for managing your business, and are generally compensated with some form of “skin in the game” (either with profit sharing or actual equity in the business they earn). If your business is an owner/operator structure, building your business up the point that you have someone else managing the day to day for you is often a critical step towards getting the strongest multiple when looking for a complete exit and sale of the business.
At the end of the day, the market for those interested in purchasing a job (i.e. operating your business you are selling) is significantly lower than those interested in buying a business that already has a partially or full absentee owner.
Although this type of partial exit will not put extra money immediately in your pocket, if done properly, should result in you having passive income from your own business. That translates to more time for other things in life, and for a better position to build towards a full exit in the future.